Singapore – Changi Bay Point

Back in 2022, Nparks opened up a new scenic walk to the east of Singapore. That period was still in the tail end of Covid and overseas travel was still not allowed. As such when Changi Bay Point was opened – travel starved people went all the way to the East just to bake in the hot sun of Changi.

Living nearby, I too like going there. It is quiet and not crowded (at least now that Covid is behind us). I sometime run there from Changi Village or I go there to looks for birds, of which there are surprisingly many for such a small area. But more of the birds at Changi Bay Point in another post. There are also plenty of butterflies. Nparks has planted a lot of host plants although they do seems to be fighting a losing battle with the weeds.

Anyway back to Changi Bay Point scenic trail – it faces out into the sea with a nice long bay of about 3 km from the start at Changi Coast Road to Changi Aviation Centre. It ends up back at Changi Coast Road and leads to East Coast Park.

There are 2 shelters along the way with the latter one having a toilet and drink vending machine.

The place is rather tastefully done up with nice scenic lookout and even a lone tree.

Someone has even planted a toy dinosaur on one of the rocks on the beach!

Getting to Changi Bay Point is not exactly the friendliest and easiest place to get to in view of its location. Easiest and most convenient is to drive there and park at carpark 7 at Changi Coast Road and walk out to the road, turn left and walk until you see the sign for Changi Bay Point.

Getting there by public transport is slightly challenging. Best is to go via taxi or private hire car and align at the entrance at Changi Coast Road. But this can be quite costly if coming from the other end of Singapore so maybe take a bus to Changi Village and change to taxi or private hire. There is also a bus there but that operates only on weekdays and not very frequently.

From Changi Village it is also possible to walk there. It just about 2 km away but in our hot humid weather and add the 3 km along the trail and it can be like 10 km! A better option is to rent a bicycle and cycle there. Faster and cheaper.

Best time to visit is early in the morning to catch the sunrise or later in the evening for the sunset and to avoid the heat.

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