Butterflies @ Changi Bay Point

Butterflies @ Changi Bay Point

One of the great thing about Changi Bay Point is that not only is there great scenery – there are also many butterflies and birds. I think Nparks have done a great job of doing up the place although a big chunk of the wild between it and Changi Coastal Road is being dug up and replaced by development work for the new runway.

Common Sailor
Tawny Coster
Striped Albatross
Julia Heliconian
Common Tiger

And these are not counting those that did not stop for me to take a nice photo or the many Yellows and Blues that I simply didn’t bother to shoot.

On previous visit I have also seen other species like the Plain Tiger, some Darts and Swifts and this lifer – an Angled Castor

So if you looking to see some common butterflies of Singapore, this would be a nice place to visit.

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