Butterflies @ Changi Bay Point

Butterflies @ Changi Bay Point One of the great thing about Changi Bay Point is that not only is there great scenery – there are also many butterflies and birds. I think Nparks have done a great job of doing up the place although a big chunk of the wild between it and Changi Coastal… Continue reading Butterflies @ Changi Bay Point

Birding Holidays – Bempton Cliffs

Finally the reason for the trip to this ulu place. Bempton Cliffs. We woke up bright and early and after breakfast drove straight there. It wasn’t as far as we expected and so we reached before the official opening time. We were not the first though. Many other visitors had already arrived. There was supposed… Continue reading Birding Holidays – Bempton Cliffs

Birding Holidays – Bridlington, East Yorkshire, England

had seen seals before on previous trips to the UK but never this close. Even though we were on top of the cliff while they were like about 50 metres below – this was awesome. I went as close as I dare closer t the edge, the wind was raging here, and with my zoom lens managed to zoom in and get some details.

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve Extension

When the Nparks announced the opening of the extension, I was fairly excited. So one afternoon I went there only to discover that it was the former Kranji Trail which I had visited before and which sadly is now “sanitised to become the new Sungei Buloh Extension. The former nice trail has been partially replaced… Continue reading Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve Extension